
Our mission is to inspire men to feel free to move.

Men's lives are changing and evolving. We no longer wish to dress as "athletes", "businessmen" or "outdoor sportsmen".

In reality, we are more than just sportsmen, globetrotters, fathers or entrepreneurs: we are all of these things at the same time. And we don't want a different look for every aspect of our lives.

That's why we decided to break the clichés and rethink menswear with versatile, high-performance and durable pieces that can take us from a jog to an aperitif, without sacrificing a sense of style.

Francus* has been designed for the modern, free-spirited man who lives with the times, allowing him to express the best of himself and to be without equal in sport as in life.

Latin name meaning "FREE MAN" from which the founder's first name, Franck, is derived.


Our technical clothing is made from European premium fabrics that guarantee a high level of comfort and performance designed to last.


Far from clichés, the pieces in our permanent collection are created with a timeless and minimalist style that extends beyond the seasons.


We offer multi-functional products designed for your active lifestyle and developed with your way of living and moving in mind.


Our products are eco-designed from certified recycled and natural materials European and we made locally (France, Tunisia) in certified workshops.